Golden Nuggets on Scribing

A few Golden Nuggets on Scribing

The Book of Ezekiel is the Blueprint of the Scribal Anointing

  • A scribe can be in the Presence of God 24/7, or you can think of yourself that you are working in the garbage. A scribe must come and sit at the feet of Jesus.
  • The Lord is looking for one person, one church, one scribe to realize that every Word, every Dream, every Vision is born from the Throne Room of God.
  • Ezekiel 1 is the foundation of a scribe. A scribe stays in heavenly places, not behind a desk with a pen. A scribe gets a global overview – you learn to see from heaven’s perspective. It is a Wheel within a wheel – ask the Lord, “What did You mean when you said this or when You showed me this?”  It is like a wheel within a wheel. As a scribe you cannot afford to look from earth’s perspective at the Word of the Lord, you must fly above and look from there.
  • Ezekiel 47 It is the water that flows from the throne room, which becomes this river that brings healing to everyone in its path. And all you see, is the glory of the Lord. Because when you honor the Word of the Lord, then His glory comes, and you see the heavens open before you.
  • Ezekiel refers to the Book of Revelations – it is the blueprint of the New Church.

Ezekiel 20:49 (NIV)

Then I said, “Sovereign Lord, they are saying of me, ‘Isn’t he just telling parables?’”

  • The Lord does not want to speak in parables, He wants to speak face to face with a scribe.
  • When you type/write out the prophetic words, you realise this comes from the throne room.
  • I then close my eyes and see the Father on his throne. I see how He opens his hand and accepts me. And He say, “They will say you speak in parables because their eyes are still blind, but actually I am speaking directly. Will you help them to understand the parables? Because I want to bring them into My kingdom.”
About the author: Nadine Oosthuizen New VIP Icon
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